The Overseer Wiki

A Class is the first half of a player's mythological role, which is assigned with an Aspect at Character creation. Classes are either passive (+) or active (-), which determines the effectiveness of different Aspect Patterns in game.

The Classes[]

There are 12 different classes to choose from, with varying degrees of active/passiveness. The master classes (Muse and Lord) are not available.

Active classes:

  • Witch - 160%
  • Knight - 150%
  • Prince - 140%
  • Maid - 130%
  • Mage - 120%
  • Thief - 110%

Passive classes:

  • Rogue - 110%
  • Seer - 120%
  • Sylph - 130%
  • Bard - 140%
  • Page - 150%
  • Heir - 160%


Active players get a power bonus when fighting strifes, but get an equal power penalty when assisting others. Passive players get a power penalty when fighting strifes, but get an equal power bonus when assisting others. It is important to note that this benefit or penalty only affects your power from echeladder position, NOT your weapon and sprite. Thus, it is only important at low levels and on dream moons, where your echeladder power is your main source of power.

Class bonuses[]

Each class does well with certain patterns and not so well with other patterns, based on a percentage applied over the average effectiveness of each pattern attribute. Currently, Invulnerability, Temporary Boosts and Multitarget aren't implemented, so those parameters are unused in-game.

Not every class affects every attribute. A Prince of Space for example is no better at healing than a Bard of Space. Additionally, Pages and Heirs do not get extra bonuses or penalities to any categories, nor do Witches. Bards have a roletech that randomizes their aspect patterns, making them unpredictable.

Damage Power Reduction Offense Boosting Defense Boosting Power Boosting Invulnerability Healing Multitarget Cost Reduction
Rogue 90 115 100 100 105 100 100 85 100
Thief 111 115 100 100 95 100 100 85 100
Heir 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Maid 70 130 80 120 100 110 100 100 100
Page 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Knight 125 60 120 100 110 110 80 80 100
Seer 30 110 110 110 110 110 110 140 120
Mage 140 80 80 80 80 80 80 140 130
Sylph 75 110 75 100 80 100 200 100 115
Witch 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Prince 250 50 125 50 100 50 50 100 100


33 130 160 50 125 115 50 100 110