The Overseer Wiki

Denizens are immensely powerful NPCs found in a session. Each is said to guard an immense Grist hoard, to be released upon their defeat and used for the Ultimate Alchemy, although their true purpose appears to be to offering players The Choice, which seems to vary from player to player. (The Choice does not exist in current sessions)

In the Overseer Project, they are very powerful monsters with a power level above 20000 that can nullify your fraymotif effects. To fight them, you need to build to the 7th gate first with 24 million build grist, then go to your Player/Sprite info page and click "Face Denizen". 

Defeating your Denizen grants you the grist hoard (which does not give you any actual grist, but is vital for completing the game in "real" sessions) and access to the Battlefield.

idk man this seems ok to me

Types of Denizen

So far there are twelve different Denizens, one for each aspect. The known Denizens are:

  • Hephaestus: The denizen of Time and Lord of the Forge (but luckily not of Time or you'd be even more screwed), Hephaestus is a massive humanoid wielding an equally massive hammer. Unfortunately, you're making a pretty tempting target for his constant, simmering anger right now.
    • Initial power 26000, can restore his power by 2500, can reduce your power bonuses, can remove your invulnerability, uses a hammer occasionally which hits from everywhen and where which hurts regardless of your choice of abstain or abuse.
  • Echidna: The denizen of Space, Echidna appears as a mostly human upper half (save for a set of quills running down the back of her skull and her spine), with two blue snake-like appendages for a lower half. She seems reluctant to fight you...
    • Initial power 28000, susceptible to the Space II fraymotif but nullifies its power bonuses after three rounds.
  • Cetus: The Denizen of Light, Cetus is an immense...flying...purple fish monster? Okay, you give up. It's a something, and it's trying to kill you, and that's all you really care about anyway.
  • Typheus: The Denizen of Breath, Typheus is a massive, almost serpentine opponent with a green body, white head, razor sharp teeth, and command of both the Breeze and fire for some reason.
  • Sophia: The Denizen of Heart, Sophia is a slender, gentle-looking yet immense humanoid. She is of lower power than the other Denizens, but don't expect that to last long.
    • Power 20000, tied with other denizens for lowest power. Can reduce your power bonuses, can remove invincibility, can reduce the damage from the tier 2 heart fraymotif.
  • Hemera: The Denizen of Life, Hemera is a relatively large humanoid wearing a radiant golden scarf. You can feel the essence of all things living as she approaches you.
    • Power of 21000, restores health by 1000 points every turn.
    • Will occasionally deal damage to your health vial, ignoring stance mitigation
    • Will occasionally deal damage and convert that damage into health.
  • Nyx: The denizen of Void, Nyx appears human in form, wearing what can loosely be described as a scarf made of...nothing? Her very presence feels wrong somehow, like reality was not built to support her.
    • Power of 20000, tied with other denizens for lowest power "Nyx has naturally lower power than other denizens, but possesses abilities that lower your offensive prowess. If you can keep yourself boosted despite these, you'll likely do well. "
  • Abraxas: The Denizen of Hope, Abraxas appears as an enormous green snake with the head of a rooster. Or an enormous green rooster with the body of a snake, you guess.
    • Power of 27000, negates the 1/3 cap for damage, capable of negating invulnerability.
  • Lyssa: Denizen of Rage, Lyssa's form is that of a blood-red serpent with a human face. Guess which emotion features prominently on it.
    • Power 31400, the highest of all denizens.
  • Moros: Denizen of Doom, Moros's form is hard to discern. He is shadowy and seems to be everywhere at once, like the omnipresent touch of Fate.
    • Power 25000. Nigh immune to power reductions, and his damage increases as your health drops. The bonus damage can break the 1/3 cap, supposedly able to one shot a player from 50% health. Takes a lot of damage compared to most Denizens, and does very little to reduce power boosts.
  • Armok: The denizen of Blood, Armok is a towering, yet dwarf-like humanoid shape who wields many and varied weapons. His multiple, brutal strikes allow him to inflict far more damage than is ordinarily possible. Probably because so many of his arms are okay.
    • Restores 500 health each turn and also lowers your offensive bonuses by ~200 each turn.
  • Metis: : The denizen of Mind, Metis appears as a titanic humanoid in sparse white garb. Despite her massive bearing, she appears to favour a more considered approach to combat.
    • Power 20000, tied with other denizens for lowest power. Can remove invulnerability, remove power boost by 250, give a 2-turn power debuff of 800 (stackable), "predict your attacks" (single-turn invuln), give itself power boosts, remove your debuffs by 250 every turn, hinder attempted debuffs, and reduce damage dealt by fraymotifs.
  • Yaldabaoth: (Not implemented yet)